Fiduciary Management

The management company may pursuant to Financial Supervision Commission Ordinance 26 also offer the following additional services: management of individual portfolio in compliance with a contract concluded with the client, including of an institutional investor within the meaning of § 1, Item 1(c) of the Public Offering of Securities Act, including financial instruments, at our discretion, without specific instructions of the client.

Fiduciary management is the management of investment portfolios upon assignment by the client, done at the discretion of the management company or the investment intermediary for each separate customer, investment portfolios including one or more financial instruments. A unique risk/return ratio for each separate investor may be reached through the formation of an individual portfolio.

Municipal Bank Asset Management EAD offers its clients fiduciary management for facilitating them in the management of their own portfolios.


1000 Sofia, 10 Vrabcha Str.

Tel.: + 359 2 935 65 22
Fax: + 359 2 935 66 15
E-mail: [email protected]