MUNICIPAL BANK ASSET MANAGEMENT has its registered seat and management address at 10, Vrabcha Street, telephone: (+359 2) 9356 522 , e-mail: [email protected]
MUNICIPAL BANK ASSET MANAGEMENT is 100% owned by Municipal Bank PLC and has a full management company license No. 31-UD/22.07.2008 issued by the Financial Supervision Commission for performing the following activities pursuant to Art. 202, Para. 1, Items 1, 2, and 3, and Art. 202, Para. 2, Items 1 and 2 of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA):
- Management of the activity of collective investment schemes within the meaning of §1, Item 26 of the Additional Provisions of POSA and of closed-type investment companies, including investment management;
- Administration of the shares or the stocks, including legal services and accounting services in connection with management of the assets, requests for information of the investors, assessment of the assets and calculation of the price of the shares or the stocks, control for observing the lawful requirements, keeping the book of the owners of shares or the stock holders, distribution of dividends and other payments, issuing, sale and buy back of shares or stocks, fulfilment of contracts, keeping of accounting;
- Marketing services;
- Management, in compliance with concluded contract with the client, of individual portfolio, including such with institutional investor, including financial instruments according to own discretion, without special orders by the client;
- Conceding investment consultations about financial instruments.
The subscribed and paid-in capital of the management company amounts to BGN 350,000 (three hundred and fifty-thousand Bulgarian lev).
MUNICIPAL BANK ASSET MANAGEMENT manages the assets of two mutual funds.
Municipal Bank PERSPECTIVE (licence by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) No. 77-DF/01.04.2009) is a mutual fund within the meaning of Art. 164 of the POSA. The fund is an open-type collective scheme for investing in liquid stock, debentures, fixed income instruments, and other permissible financial assets. The fund is split in shares continually offered for sale to and bought back by investors at their own discretion.
The mutual fund is not a legal entity and is organized and managed by a management company making all decisions with regard to the existence, functioning, and termination of the fund.
Municipal Bank BALANCED (FSC licence No. 78-DF/01.04.2009) is a mutual fund within the meaning of Art. 164 of the POSA. The fund is an open-type collective scheme for investing in liquid stock, debentures, fixed income instruments, and other permissible financial assets. The Fund is split in shares continually offered for sale to and bought back by investors at their own discretion.
The mutual fund is not a legal entity and is organized and managed by a management company making all decisions with regard to the existence, functioning, and termination of the fund.